Web Marketing Californian wine producers were among the first to integrate traditional sales channels with digital ones, taking the path of eCommerce to intercept final consumers through a direct. One conducted by S. Stricker, R. A. E. Muller and D. A. Sumner and published in the journal of the (Agricultural & Applied Economics Association) compared the yield of California wineries with that of some Australian and German wineries. Below we report some of the most significant considerations regarding the adoption, use and impact of this technology in relation to the wine sector. Californian wine producers: the first to experience the advantages of wine web marketing What do you want to demonstrate with this study? Of the 1,690 companies contacted, 268 responded and completed an online questionnaire: 89 from California, 70 from Australia and 109 from Germany. In addition, another 100 German wineries participated in the research via telephone interview.
California companies are mostly family-owned businesses and operate full-time on large farms. Some larger ones, such as , or , have well-known and well-established brands, which is why they sell most of their wines through traditional sales channels, especially large-scale retail trade. The remaining companies - smaller companies - do not produce a sufficient quantity of product to reach large-scale distribution; therefore, they mainly sell to end consumers or restaurants. The Australian wine industry has Agent Email List also experienced very rapid growth and, as in the case of California, is characterized by a small number of large companies and a large number of small wineries. In Germany, however, the situation is essentially dominated only by many small wineries. In the mid-1990s, California wineries were the first to initiate a project to launch a . The diffusion of this channel was rather slow in the first phase. However, already at the beginning of the 2000s more than 80% of producers had their own website to promote their winery and their products online.
To date, the online presence of wineries in California is almost total. The 5 lessons on wine web marketing that can bring value to your business 1. Selling wine online opens up a world of commercial opportunities More than 80% of the companies interviewed declare that opening their own eincrease in direct sales. The percentage of wine producers who confirmed that an online presence benefits direct sales is particularly high in California. As regards Germany and Australia, the phenomenon is recognized by half of the companies interviewed. The values in the wine sector are decidedly high and mainly concern: aiming at a wider audience, not just local or national; it will help you reach foreign markets that appreciate Italian wines and are ready to spend impromptu amountsortant to purchase them; have a new channel that will help you differentiate yourself from the competition. 2. The website increases the tourist activities of your winery.